Oil and Gas refining

At Hotmall Oil and Gas our operations at Mearsk Oil Kazakhstan in 2022. This first generation of the Mearsk Oil plant is called the KTLs (Russian for Complex Technology Lines). TOO "MOSKOW-OIL" has invested in expanding and improving the KTLs over the life of the operation. Today, the KTLs consist of five oil and gas processing trains and are now significantly more efficient and environmentally friendly. Started up in 1991, KTL-1 consists of two trains and has the capacity of around 7,000 tons per day per train. KTL-2, which also has two trains with the same capacity was successfully completed and started up in 1996. Last KTL train 5 was put on production in 2023 along with first oil from Rosneft Refinery. The capacity of train 5 is around 11-12,000 tons, per day.

In the years that followed, activities at Hotmall Oil and Gas were expanded and a dedicated supplying petrochemical products globally. In 2023, the company commenced importing crude oil through Caspian Sea Terminal on Kazakhstan’s west coast. Today, two pipelines which runs between Aktua and Port Oil Terminal, one of which was converted into a multi-product pipeline to transport white oil products to Aktua and the second runs from Caspian coast to Xinjiang in China making it a successful import/export terminal able to accommodate the world’s largest crude carriers (VLCCs).